Privates are for anyone wanting personalised and individual attention to bring more refinement, breath awareness and grace into their practice. No matter what experience level you are at—first time on a yoga mat or competent yoga teacher, having a guide to steer you deeper into your practice is a profound catalyst for growth.

Book for a single session to work on a particular aspect of practice or schedule regular weekly privates to address alignment, breathwork and pranayama, meditation, or to explore the more subtle energetics of yoga under the guidance of an experienced teacher.



In these private yoga sessions we begin to focusing on tiny moments, and tiny actions. These micro-progressions are so teeny we can’t see them with our naked eyes but we feel them at our core! In session, we work through each spoonful of detailed refinements which forces us to drop our gaze and digest actions with our smallest body sensors— little orbs of our awareness savouring the finest threads of sensation and breath. With the aim of full sensory illumination, waking up every layer of the body-mind complex, we connect to the wholeness of self. We open the internal channels of communication for alignment in our movements, breath, spirit, dreams and expanding self beliefs.


  • Individualised yoga session

  • Follow up home practices and techniques

  • Focus on individual needs + desires

  • Hands on adjustments

  • Suggested reading


  • Expand your growth zone in a safe environment

  • Recruit strength, openness and elegance

  • Establish a regular self-led home practice with confidence

  • Carry your understanding of self + patterns to shift daily life